I just finished reading a new book by author, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, PhD. You may have heard of him, or even read one of his earlier books, including a chart-topper, "Love and Respect" for couples. His new book, "Mother & Son: The Respect Effect" is focused on mothers showing their sons respect, because that is how males want to be treated.
Dr. Eggerichs includes testimonials from many other mothers who have tried his idea of "Respect-Talk" and have had much success with their sons. He writes examples to teach mothers like myself how to use less, "I love you" talk to our sons, and more "I honor you" or "I respect you". I love the idea and the way it might have the power to change some of my son's negative behaviors just by switching out a few words, even though it might initially feel awkward.
Here's a quote from page 43 of the book that I love:
"I discipline you because I love you. In fact, I discipline you because I believe in you and the man you are becoming. Truth is, I discipline you as a way of honoring you. This discipline helps you become more self-disciplined, and eventually my discipline will end. You will be a disciplined, honorable man. I am not disciplining you because I want to punish you. I discipline you to put you back on the path that men of honor walk."
I also really liked this statement from page 56:
"Don't allow yourself to feel uncomfortable with the language of honor and respect. Think of it as a recipe book with six ways to serve chicken. Would you say, "Wow! They keep repeating the word chicken in ever recipe?" Exactly! They are recipes for chicken. This book is a recipe for Respect-Talk. It must be part of every verbal meal you give your son."
SO, if you are as intrigued as I was when I first heard about this book, and would like a chance to win a copy for yourself, just leave me a comment on this blog post! I'll pick a winner at random next week, Sunday, June 5th.