Friday, April 24, 2009

2-year check up

So, I can't believe that my little girl is already two years old!  We went for her two-year check up, and found out that she's still in the highest percentiles for height (36" tall) and weight (30 lbs.).  Everything else was good...and can you believe that we didn't even have to get any shots this time?  Yea!  Gabrielle didn't even cry when she saw the doctor (like she used to always do)!

We did, however, have to go get her blood tested at a lab to figure out whether she needs to take vitamins or not.  And, she also had a lead-test done since we live in a house that was built before 1978.  Everything checked out just fine, and she didn't even shed a tear--what a brave little girl she's becoming!

Walking with daddy to the car after the appointment.