Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Napping is for wimps...

Thought I would share a portion of an article I read just this week from the free Focus on the Family magazine that I receive. Sure made me feel better about sending Gabrielle to Kids Day Out at church, as well as relaxing a little more during the week...I hope that this helps you find some rest in your crazy week! :)

The truth is, I used to feel guilty when I rested. I was embarrassed to admit that my body can't keep up with my tasks or that my brain gets fuzzy after three hours of writing or, even worse, that I'm not the super woman I think I should be. I didn't want people to think of me as a nap taker. I'm a go-getter, a hard worker, a woman on the fast track!

I remember the first time I spoke with a friend about my rest issues. I was surprised to hear she felt the same way. Hesitantly, I asked a few others. Same thing. Rest and shame went hand in hand. I wasn't alone.

I decided to search out the truth and get rid of my rest-robbing shame. I dove into God's Word, talked to godly friends and even confessed my nap taking to others, hoping such a confession would clear the guilty air.

Aside from a few odd looks at my weepy confessions, people were willing to share what they'd learned. God's Word is full of encouragement to rest. In Exodus 20:8-11, God stipulates to the Isrealites that no work be done on the Sabbath because "he rested on the seventh day." He even required that rest be given to the soil, knowing it would yield a better crop the following year (Exodus 23:10-11). And in Matthew 11:28, Jesus promises that the weary and burdened will find rest when they come to Him. What a relief!

Here's a final crazy idea: Put down this magazine, toss aside shame and take a nap right now. Don't worry about covering the windows or bribing the dogs. Take the phone off the hook; kick off your shoes and thank God for His rest in the midst of a busy day.