Friday, October 31, 2008

Permian Football Game

So, last Friday night Nick scored some free tickets to the local high school football game, the Permian Panthers. This is the team that the Friday Night Lights movie was based off. High school football is a pretty big deal around here...okay, it's a really BIG deal!

The east side of the stadium from the road.
Notice the oil derrick and tanks right outside the stadium--nice!

So the bands travel to all the games, and obviously need a whole truck for their stuff. My high school definitely didn't have a truck for our band when I was growing up, that's for sure!

Warm ups...

The band before the game.

The seniors lining up for the coin toss.

The whole team busting through the HUGE banner.

The score board before the game...
I forget what the final score was, but our team won!

Gabrielle enjoying some nachos with Nick.

The final picture of the night...
a plaque that was in the "walk-way" area of the stadium.