Monday, April 14, 2008

Gabi's 12-month check-up

Today we went to see our pediatrician for Gabrielle's 1-year check-up. I was pleased to hear that she had grown over 2 inches in the last three months, and is now 30 1/4 inches tall (no wonder some of her shirts were starting to show her belly), and back up to the 90th percentile. The other great news is that she didn't gain any weight since our January appointment, and is still weighs 22.1 pounds, which finally puts her down to the 70th percentile for weight. The last of our "fun" news is that when Dr. Monzon checked her mouth with a tongue depressor, we found that Gabi had a "covert" tooth that came in on the side--I hadn't even been checking over there. Yeah--almost 4 teeth now!

The not-so-great news is that our doctor thinks that she has allergies (since she's had a runny nose, cough, or chest congestion since Christmas). So, she has to start taking Zyrtec every night before bed...and she really doesn't like taking medicine. Some of it inevitably ends up on her pajamas. *Sigh*

Nick and Gabrielle playing before bedtime.