I am looking for a recipie on how to fix spare rib meat. I bought a package of beef as well as a package of pork, thinking that I would try something new. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue as to how I should fix them...crock pot, or grill? Someone please help me!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Teething fun...or not so fun.
Posted by Theresa Walker at 8:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
All in a week's fun!
Gabrielle loves to be like her daddy and "read" the paper. We tend to let her have the adds because they don't get black print all over her. Unfortunately, JCPenny's must have been having a bra sale the day this weekend--I definitely didn't notice that when we took the pictures! :)
Posted by Theresa Walker at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Outdoor fun
Gabrielle LOVES to be outside. So, I have been trying better to take her out before her morning nap, or after her afternoon nap to avoid the Texas heat. She really enjoys walking down the street to our mailbox in the mornings, and we've been trying to get out in the pool or swing in the afternoons.
Blowing bubbles in the water like we practiced at swim lessons in June!
One of the first times she's laid down in the water by herself...
The hat was drenched after that--good thing she was in the shade!
One of her other boats in her pool.
Playing with the water/sand contraption.
A nice ledge to set our toys out to dry, I guess.
So, one night this week after supper we went outside for a little bit and used Gabrielle's bubble machine that she got for her birthday. She loved trying to "catch" the bubbles before they hit the ground. I think that Nick had just as much fun with the bubble maker. It's in the shape of a hippo, and has a name tag on the front: Boubly. Of course, Nick pronounces it "boob-ly". Nice, huh? :)
I think she was more interested in the bubble bottle after a while--great!
Here's a quick video of our bubble adventures.
Posted by Theresa Walker at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Our lil' CORNhusker
Also, if you look at the pictures, she was using her Nebraska plate for supper that night...must have added a little extra good luck because she LOVED the corn on the cob! Who says that she can't be a Cornhusker too? I'm sure Grandpa and Grandma Reinke won't object!
No stopping her now that she understands what she's doing!
I think there's still more corn I haven't gotten off this cob!
Just a little video of her polishing off the delicious corn.
Posted by Theresa Walker at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
New accomplishments this week
I know that both of these videos are dark, but I hope you can get the main idea. I am just continue to be so amazed every day at the new things Gabrielle is learning to do. Currently, we are working on using a fork or spoon with our meal...sometimes she picks the food up with her fingers and puts it on the spoon, just so that it falls back off and she sticks the food in her mouth with her fingers. Wonderful!
The other day Gabrielle climbed up on the piano bench by herself, turned around, and started "playing". It was sooo cute. I was afraid that when she did this that she would pound hard on the keys, but she plays pretty nicely. Makes me smile every time she does it now! :)
We have had this slide in the livingroom for a while now, and up until this past weekend, she would only go down the slide if we were waiting at the bottom for her. Well, now she seems to think that she can do it well enough by herself, and since this video was taken, has also learned to go down on her stomach--feet first thankfully! I guess now that she is confident with it, we'll get it out in the backyard soon--may be we'll wait for these TX temperatures to cool down a bit too.
Just yesterday I found my little angel had climbed up next to the kitchen table and had put all of daddy's mail/newspapers on the floor. Fabulous new trick!
Posted by Theresa Walker at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Not feeling well
Fabulous post, huh? Well, I've been feeling "under the weather" for about 2 weeks now. When we were finishing up our trip in Nebraska at my parent's house, I randomly threw up after breakfast, and then felt fine the rest of the day. I was tired, but thought it was from the trip. When we got home I took a pregnancy test, and it was negative...I've also taken a second one since then, and that one was negative too--bummer!
I have felt more and more tired during the day, achy all over my body, along with nausea and stomach cramps every time after I eat even the smallest amount of food (yet, I still get hungry, which is discouraging). And, I finally got the thermometer out last Thursday and noticed that I had over a 101 temperature (I thought I was just hot because we are living in TX, and it's summertime!).
I'm sooo thankful that Nick took the day off on Friday to watch Gabi while I got in a little extra rest. But, I don't seem to be feeling that much better, so it looks like I will need to find a doctor to go to on Monday morning. If any of you have any advice or suggestions, I am all ears (esp. my "medical" friends). And, I would appreciate your prayers...especially since I have played the "what if" game so many times in my head to figure out what's wrong with me.
Posted by Theresa Walker at 9:12 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Mommy and Gabi
Lately Gabrielle has been playing with the blanket off the couch (the one that I use to curl up under in the evenings). It's so cute seeing her play "Peek-A-Boo" with one of us, or even just by herself. She also thought it was neat that we made the blanket into a "fort" for both of us to hang out underneath.
Posted by Theresa Walker at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Daddy and Gabi
I'm sure she was being a "big" helper! :)
One more try...her toy mower is definitely not this hard to operate!
Posted by Theresa Walker at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
15-month check up
Gabrielle had a check up at the dr's office today. She weighs 24 pounds and is almost 31 inches tall. In both height and weight she is around the 75th percentile, so still a little bigger/taller than the average 15-month old.
We also found out that she has already cut her two upper molars in the top back and is getting super close to pushing out the bottom two molars. Who knew that those would come in before the other two bottom teeth in front? I wasn't even watching back there yet! Perhaps that's why she's not wanting to nap too badly this afternoon!?
Posted by Theresa Walker at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Nebraska videos
This is Gabrielle's "giggle" video. She loves to be outside, and we had a great time at my parent's house swinging, going for walks, and just exploring. The second video, below, is of her walking in the grass. Up until the last couple of weeks she wouldn't do it on her own--only holding my hand, and then she was still pretty apprehensive. Goes to show that practice makes perfect, I guess!
Posted by Theresa Walker at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
So much fun in Nebraska
Happy Fourth of July!!!
Gabi climbing into the chair that I sat in growing up!
After supper we headed out to swing--one of Gabrielle's favorite things to do. Check out the video clip above to hear Gabi giggling and thoroughly enjoying herself!
I love this picture because it appears that she is trying to smell the flower. But, I think that she was really trying to taste it. Who knows, perhaps it was nice and sweet!
Gabi trying to get over her grass-aversion by slowly working her way down the little slope back to the swings. Any time she felt like she was going to fall over, it seemed that she started crawling backwards. Otherwise, she actually walked in the grass by herself (something that she hadn't done much of until this week). Also, check out the video clip above for a little better viewing of her grass-walking.
Grandma and Gabi working their way back through the grass and up to the house.
Gabi doing a little more inspecting of Grandma's flower collection.
Mommy and Daddy planting big kisses on her cheeks...obviously she didn't enjoy getting them as much as we enjoyed giving them. I think that she was just wanting down--so many new things to explore in Grandma's backyard!!!
During the day we watched "National Treasure 2" finally...I know, Nick and I are SUPER behind on our movie watching. Hopefully someday when we live close to family again (for free babysitters) we'll be able to catch a few more than 5 flicks a year. Right now it's so expensive to get a babysitter and go out to see a movie. And, I know that we could rent, but I guess we just don't think about it as much because there's so many great reality shows on TV (just kidding).
Gabrielle working on climbing Grandma's stairs all by herself. Since they don't build basements in Texas, there's really no where for us to practice stairs safely. Fortunately the one step we have that goes into our living room must have been enough for her to "transfer" that knowledge on to the bigger task of a full set of stairs. Way to go Gabi!
In the afternoon we headed into the town of Byron to visit my grandparents. Gabrielle wasn't really digging the idea of sitting on my Grandpa's lap, and he was really disappointed by that (especially since I have always been his special "Sunshine" granddaughter). Hopefully she'll do better next time!
A couple of my cousins were also there for the day, so Gabrielle enjoyed trying to keep up with them. Taylor is also my Goddaughter (daughter to Diane and Stuart--my first cousin). For those of you who remember, she was also the flower girl in our wedding. Can you believe that she's going to be a 5th grader in school this fall? She really did enjoy playing with Gabi, and thought that it was so fun that Gabi would sit on her lap and look at pictures with her.
Taylor's brother, Dylan just being himself--silly!
In the evening we attended a wedding of a friend/cousin/neighbor that I grew up with, Jessica Krenke. We did 4-H together, were managers for the basketball team, and if you can believe this, I also babysat her when I was in Jr. High. It was great to see her again, and it warmed my heart when she told me that every time she sees bubble-wrap packaging she thinks of me because I would bring it with me for some fun when I came over to babysit. Funny the things that people will remember!
My dad playing with Gabi at the reception. She enjoyed trying to reach the greenery-balls that were hanging from the ceiling. It really was beautiful, and the food was great too!
Andrew and Jessica Lara dancing their dance together. Unfortunately I didn't get to dance with Nick because it was REALLY late and Gabrielle needed to get home to bed. Perhaps the next wedding I'll get a chance to dance with my hubby.
Saying goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma after church and lunch so that we can head back to Wichita for the night. Thanks for a bunch of fun new memories!
Posted by Theresa Walker at 2:29 PM 0 comments