Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Harvest time in Nebraska

So, it was wheat-harvest-time in Nebraska when we were there visiting my family at the end of June. Here's some pictures of us enjoying it with Gabrielle for the first time.

Here's the first time that Gabrielle's ridden in ANY vehicle without a car seat. Nick was reassured by my mom that it would be okay for her to ride in the pickup for a few miles on the gravel cops in sight! :)

Papa's new combine.

Her first time on the combine with my mom and dad.

Watching out the window. Gabrielle was pretty intrigued with the whole process that she didn't really move or say much for most of the hour or so that we were in the combine.

Grandpa AND grandma smiling...the yields were REALLY good this year, so my dad was in a pretty good mood. In his new combine there's a computer that figures out the bushels per acre right as he's going along instead of having to wait until they take the wheat into the elevator. Yeah for technology and farming (and my dad being willing to use it too!).

A cute picture that I took from inside the cab at my parents in the rear view mirror. Did I mention that my mom and I took turns sitting on each other's laps while we held onto Gabrielle standing in front of us? Just a tad cramped in there with four people!

Gabrielle watching the wheat unload into the semi-truck.

My uncle Howard watching from the top of the semi.

Done unloading--time for us to ride back to the house in the semi.

Bye-bye Grandpa...see you later!