Monday, December 07, 2009

Paci package

So the other night before bed Gabrielle was finally convinced that she needed to "send her pacifiers to the babies who need them" like in our book we've been reading. She actually got the bubble mailer out of the closet, put her paci in, and asked us to take her outside to put it in our mailbox.

Daddy holding Gabrielle up to "mail" her package.

Proud big-girl with her proud daddy.

We told her that when she was ready that she could mail her paci and in return get the toaster toy that she had been wanting.

Oh, the excitement of getting the toaster toy...
Unfortunately this didn't last very long. After she cried for 30 minutes that evening, she agreed that she would "try again" some other time, and that the toaster toy would go back up in her closet until her pacifiers permanently left the house. We've been trying more at nap time, but haven't made much more progress yet. Anyone who can give me ANY advice on what worked with your kids, I am totally listening!


Tanya said...

I'm no help. My boys spit theirs out around 6 months and never wanted them again.

My aunt cut the tip off my cousin's paci and told her it was broken. My cousin was mad at her broken paci and threw it away. I don't know if that would work for every one. Hang in there! Sounds like you are on the right track.

kranberry216 said...

Cale's went away with his tonsillectomy. The dr. took them all and put them in the biohazard container and said he couldn't have them anymore (this was at 18 mos) and he never asked again - even in pain after waking up from surgery. With Elena, Adam took them all and said "No more binkies" and for three days, we endured her asking and whining, but then she was over it.

Jill said...

Girl, I'm in the same boat as you. Brenna is ADDICTED. But we have now banished the paci only to nap and bedtime. And I'll fully get rid of it after we travel for Christmas. And move to Virginia. I can't deal with it before then. Good luck!