Friday, January 15, 2010

Toy and Action Figure Museum

One of our stops in central Oklahoma on our way back to Texas after Christmas....obviously requested by Nick.

Gabrielle and I checking out all the Santa figurines in the front window before we even went inside.

Gabrielle riding the miniature model T car.

Nick and Gabrielle riding with one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the back.

Walker family picture

I love that Gabrielle chose to be Snow White and Nick (of course) chose to pretend to be Batman.

Driving the Batmobile.

I know she's not smiling, but she really was having a great time. After we were done, she wanted to do it again! :)

Gabrielle wanted me to sit on her lap for a change.

Gabrielle trying out the Batman mask too.

"Thinking" about my next move.
All in all, it was a really neat place to visit. I know this will come as a surprise to many of you (not), but Nick kept saying, "I had that when I was growing up!". We charged the camera battery right before we got there--by the time we left an hour or so later the battery was dead. Of course, it could have had something to do with Nick taking over 150 pictures!!!