So, as you have seen in so many of the past posts, Gabrielle's hair gets in her face (if she doesn't keep a clip in). So, while we were at my parents' house in Nebraska, I decided that it was time to cut it (and use my mom for "backup"). How hard could it be to cut some bangs in the front, right? :) My mom trying to convince Gabrielle to sit up (she's got the paci in her mouth to try to make her laugh too since she wasn't wanting to be in the high chair without food).
Getting some of the hair cut...
not completely straight, but pretty darn good for a first try!
The finished product...Gabi trying to comb her new dew.
Yes, I started crying--I already looked fabulous first thing in the morning without my makeup or hair done. I wasn't for sure to begin with if I even liked her hair cut (I know it was a little too late to take back the decision). But, I was also a little sad that we had another "first", and how fast she's growing up. She's not my little baby anymore, and I guess that's just hard to grasp sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love the stage that she's in--learning something new almost everyday. I'm sure that this won't be the last time that I shed tears over something that Gabi's gone through or accomplished! :)
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